
More about Us

Baldivis Districts Community Men’s Shed is a non-profit, non-commercial community to chat, work on projects, build a supportive community, and lend organisation providing a safe and friendly meeting place for men a hand to others.

We aim to provide a safe space where community elders can teach the young guys a few things, and in return the younger generation can teach the old guys a few tricks! While we still uphold the tradition of being a ‘shed’ where members can fix or make things, the Baldivis Men’s Shed is so much more than that. We are here to help you meet like-minded people, have fun, share skills as well as worries, whilst gaining a renewed sense of purpose and belonging. We want to reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness, and help men to deal with mental health challenges, rebuild communities and in many cases, even save lives. And this is what makes our Men’s Shed so special. We provide equipment which allows a very wide range of projects to be tackled, and we are also keen to hear your new ideas for other activities. If you don’t have the confidence to operate a machine, we will show you how. In case of an accident or someone becoming unwell we have easy access to a Defibrillator. We are incorporated and affiliated with the Western Australia Chapter of the Men’s Shed Association. A major objective of the Men’s Shed is to advance the health, well-being, and social inclusion of all members through interest-based activities. We do this by welcoming men to meet and work on projects that are personally satisfying and, in many cases, making an important contribution to the wider community.

What We Do

Members’ interests are quite diverse, and while common activities include woodwork, wood turning, toy making, metal

work, and a discussion group. We are super keen to bring new activities to the group and we encourage members to bring their ideas and share them with us.

Often we start new activities on a limited basis, so that we can be ready to add those new activities fully in the future, and all ideas are welcome, so don’t be too shy to share an idea.

Why We Do It

Relationships and connections are so important to the overall health of us all. The Baldivis Men’s Shed is a concept that responds at a local level to a growing national need for suitable places for men to socialise, participate and contribute.

The outcomes we’ve seen first-hand inspire us every day to keep the group going – and thriving. Our members report positive health and wellbeing outcomes that can be directly linked to being a member of our Men’s Shed. Baldivis enjoys a strong community spirit and groups like our Men’s Shed are part of cultivating this. The demand and dramatic growth in membership over the next few years, together with the achievements and enthusiasm of members is ample proof of its worth and value to the wider community.

What We Don’t Do

The Men’s Shed does not just fix furniture and make toys the scope is what you make it. We do not compete against commercial businesses. The Men’s Shed is not an alternative or replacement for professional tradespersons or other qualified craftsmen.

The Men’s Shed is not a welfare shelter, nor is it an alternative or replacement for the services provided by appropriate health and medical professionals.

Support for one another we can do.

How We Do It

Our Men’s Shed Workshop is open Monday , Wednesday & Saturday between 9:00am and 2:00pm.

Members need to be a minimum of 18years old.

We currently have women & some handicapped members. We have an open-door policy, conducting all activities in a non-discriminating manner and with a strong emphasis on the needs and wellbeing of all members. We also always maintain a strong focus on safe work practices.

Once members are appropriately trained in the use of machinery only then can they use the equipment.

The overall aim of Baldivis Men’s Shed is to provide a safe and supportive environment for persons of all ages and backgrounds to gather, volunteer, work, and seek fellowship with other like-minded people.

Our Aim

We aim to

  • Promote the mental, physical, emotional, and economic wellbeing of individuals in our community.
  • Maintain an ‘open door’ policy, not rejecting any person on the basis of ethnicity, age, disability or religion, if any.
  • Provide a safe physical and supportive social environment.
  • Offer a range of activities and programs in accordance with the interests of the Shed’s members and attendees, with the intention of furthering these aims and objectives.
  • To respect the rights and decisions of members and attendees, as long as they follow all guidelines, safety policies, and other procedures laid down in the Policies and Procedures Manual.
  • In addition, it is our aim to respect the confidentiality and privacy of members, associates and attendees ,except where life may be in direct danger or where compliance with legislation may be required.

In order to achieve these ambitious aims we expect from members the following :-

  • That all members will actively participate in the activities of the ‘Shed’, contributing as much time and effort as needed/requested.
  • All members are expected to respect each other and their opinions at all times and under no circumstances make any remarks or make any statements or take any action, either privately or publicly that may offend, threaten, or upset another member.
  • All members are expected to respect the common sense safety and cleanliness codes.
    • Don’t use a machine if you don’t know how to use it, as laid down in its manual, and always ensure that if you make amess, no matter how small, that it is cleaned up correctly using the correct materials to do so before leaving that machine or workstation. Dispose of any waste in the correct manner.
    • All members are expected to absent themselves if they are under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
    • All members are to abide by the Constitution and the Standing Resolution of the Shed. These are available to read in the Shed and can be provided electronically to members.
    • Finally, occasionally, photographs or videos are taken in the Shed for promotional purposes, the shed expects that you give permission to use these images where necessary.

    All members doing their own projects are doing them for non-commercial reasons and contribute an agreed amount if using Shed materials and equipment, and dedicate an equal amount of time on the group activities, whether it be in making things or performing some other service.

    Where this is impractical the Shed is entitled to receive 50% of any commercial value gain to cover the costs incurred in using the Shed’s facilities, this will in the form of a donation.

Membership Costs

Fees and any purchases made can be paid at the Shed by cash or by direct deposit by bank transfer .

Current annual Fee – $60.00

UPDATE: BMS has a new ASSOCIATES group – these are women who want to socialize and/or use the Shed machinery.  They use the premises when the men are not there.

BMS also has a Mentor (Associate) Membership –  this is primarily for carers who want to assist their clients by using Shed machinery to perform tasks that the client cannot for some reason. Mentors need to pass all the normal training & accreditation requirements.

Do you have a question about activities, membership, or anything of that nature? Feel free to fill out our contact form with the relevant details, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Apply Today

Simply fill out the attached form and submit it either in person, or through our contact form, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible with confirmation of your membership!

BMS Membership Application Form

Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 300 MB.