We Proudly Present To You...

In The Interest Of Men's Health And Wellbeing
All Men Belong In A Shed

1,200+ Sheds

With over 1,200 sheds in Australia, the Men’s Shed Assocation stands to have more buildings than McDonald’s Restaurants

12 Countries

There are currently more than 2,500 sheds located in 12 countries around the world

30 Years

The first Men’s Shed was established in 1993 (Goolwa, South Australia)

50,000 Participants

More than 50,000 Australian men participate in Men’s Sheds

Our Organisation Is...

Not For Profit
A safe and friendly environment for all persons
Allows men to work on meaningful projects with like-minded individuals
Accessible to all men regardless of their backgrounds
Promoting mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing in the community

By fostering a sense of community among our members, we help to combat social isolation and promote a sense of purpose and fulfillment.


Not For Profit
Provides a safe and friendly environment for all persons
Allows men to work on meaningful projects with like-minded individuals
Accessible to all men regardless of their backgrounds
Promoting mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing in the community

News And Events